Monday, September 25, 2017

And they stopped buying news paper.

The note book lay forgotten amidst the numerous momentos and trinkets collected over the years. The metaphors rose and fell as the pages lazily turned under the breeze.

The rustle, more than the movement caught her attention. She snatched the book out of his reach, just as he was about to get it. It was snacks time!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


The first signs always show on the hands.

Friday, September 15, 2017

The butterfly on her breast.

The scar was there for all to see. The dark red lines etched deep over her skin. Emblazoned just above her blouse. Left anyone who visited her wondering how deep it went and how such a frail body had withstood so much.

No one would have guessed the tattoo to hold so much pain inside.

Abuse is never just physical.